Banking for a Better Planet

Better Banking Resources

What makes a good bank?

Bank for Good believes good banks don’t fund eco destructive projects. They support local initiatives to improve communities, and fund progressive causes. Want to learn more about what your bank is funding? Learn morehere.

Atmos is dedicated to the equitable decarbonization of the economy where 100% of deposits go towards funding climate-positive infrastructure. We are proud to be a part of the solution for better bank accounts. Join the movement to Bank for Good!

Bank Vault with Bank for Good Logo

Accounts that take action

Many traditional banks still invest in fossil fuels, contributing to, or ignoring the climate crisis.

Now, there’s a better way. You can make a positive impact with Atmos Financial. Atmos accounts exclusively fund climate-positive projects and measure the impact of your money.

Atmos Starburst Logo with Debit Card in center. Check marks next to Good for Earth and Wallet Solar Loans, Business Savings Accounts, Industry Leading Savings Accounts, Joint Accounts, and Cash Back Checking Accounts
Orange sun shaped glow element

Ready for financing free
of fees and fossil fuels?

Join                     today.

ATMOS logo. 3 circles with burst of light in upper right of inner-most circle and word ATMOS in a teal color.Apply Now
AriseHealth logoOE logo2020INC logoThe Paak logo