Fair, affordable financing to create more comfort and resilience for your home

Heat pump and home battery systems add value to your homes, and create comfort for you and your family

Get started without impacting your credit score. Prequalify for a solar loan with no commitment. If you want, we'll match you with trusted installers.

Extended fixed rate terms
Re-amortize your loan with unlimited fee-free prepayments

Atmos loans provide customers with maximum flexibility and no hidden fees, to make electrifying your home the best financial + comfort decision you’ll ever make.

Prequalify instantly

How it works

Atmos Approved Installers

Connect with an Atmos Approved installer to quote your project.


Securely provide your personal information to start your application. *The app will take a minute or two to complete, and hear back from us instantly. This does not impact your credit score.

Installer Provides Project Cost

Once pre-qualified, it’s your installer’s turn. Your installer will provide us with your project information.

Request an offer

You’re back in the driver’s seat. Review the estimated monthly costs of your loan offerings and click ahead to request a formal offer of credit.

Atmos Takes it From Here

Atmos dedicated underwriters will review your application. Don’t go too far - You’ll hear from us within the time it takes to toast your bread.

Finalize Your Project Details

Once approved, you’ll be able to choose the rate and terms that work for you, and e-sign your loan. That’s it! Your installer can now get to work, and you don’t begin payments until the project is completed.

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an Installer?

Join our network of trusted installers today!

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