Jun 15, 2022

Art! Science! Action! Connect & engage with our amazing platform non-profits this June

California Solar & Storage Association

On June 21, CALSSA and the Save California Solar Coalition are organizing a mass call-in day to “stop the solar tax” and “save solar.” Their goal will be to generate 897 phone calls into the governor’s office – one for every minute of daylight on the longest day of the year. Mark your calendars and help generate these calls by alerting your friends, colleagues, and customers! RSVP NOW

Climate Changemakers makes action easy

Climate Changemakers

Vox recently wrote this great article about how each of us can take meaningful action on the climate crisis – not just as consumers, but more importantly as engaged citizens. Naturally, it featured the amazing work of our friends at Climate Changemakers, who offer anyone with an hour to spare fun and easy ways to engage for the climate. Sign up here to make a difference: https://www.climatechangemakers.org/take-action.

Crowdsourcing Sustainability hosts online webinars with climate leaders

Crowdsourcing Sustainability

On June 23, Crowdsourcing Sustainability will host Michael Boswell and Adrienne Greve, Professors of City & Regional Planning at CalPoly and co-authors of the book: "Climate Action Planning: A Guide to Creating Low-Carbon, Resilient Communities". Sign up here to learn what it takes to create and implement an effective climate action plan for your community.

Eco.logic wants to display your artwork


Calling all artists – and art lovers! Eco.Logic is organizing an Eco.Art Event and Fundraiser. Artists are invited to submit ecological-themed artwork for a virtual art gallery and auction (Aug 21 - Sept 21), to culminate with an Eco.Art evening extravaganza Sept 22. More information and artist application here: https://www.ecologicprograms.org/ecoart-fundraiser

FFCA is fighting to decarbonize the biggest US pension funds

Fossil Free California

Our friends at Fossil Free California have been fighting for years to divest the California state pension funds (the largest pension funds in the US) from fossil fuels. They won a victory last month when SB1173, their Fossil Fuel Divestment Bill, passed out of the California State Senate. The bill will be heard in the CA Assembly this month. If you live in California, please call your Assemblymember and ask them to support this important bill – more info here.

OFRF research helps policy-makers understand the value of organic agriculture

Organic Farming Research Foundation

OFRF's Research & Education Program Manager Thelma Vélez, PhD, recently spoke before the full US House Agriculture Committee, summarizing her research findings demonstrating the potential for organic systems to mitigate climate change and build resilience. Vélez spoke to the need for more investment in organic research, education, and extension to support American farmers and ranchers in implementing the best practices for climate mitigation and adaptation. You can watch her presentation on the House Ag Democrats YouTube Channel.

Start your climate journey today - apply for an Atmos account in just 2 minutes.

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Art! Science! Action! Connect & engage with our amazing platform non-profits this June

Whatever your passion or talent, these amazing non-profits have fun ways for you to plug in this summer. Donate to one or more to double your savings yield and help build a better future!

Vanessa Warheit
Role will be placed here

California Solar & Storage Association

On June 21, CALSSA and the Save California Solar Coalition are organizing a mass call-in day to “stop the solar tax” and “save solar.” Their goal will be to generate 897 phone calls into the governor’s office – one for every minute of daylight on the longest day of the year. Mark your calendars and help generate these calls by alerting your friends, colleagues, and customers! RSVP NOW

Climate Changemakers makes action easy

Climate Changemakers

Vox recently wrote this great article about how each of us can take meaningful action on the climate crisis – not just as consumers, but more importantly as engaged citizens. Naturally, it featured the amazing work of our friends at Climate Changemakers, who offer anyone with an hour to spare fun and easy ways to engage for the climate. Sign up here to make a difference: https://www.climatechangemakers.org/take-action.

Crowdsourcing Sustainability hosts online webinars with climate leaders

Crowdsourcing Sustainability

On June 23, Crowdsourcing Sustainability will host Michael Boswell and Adrienne Greve, Professors of City & Regional Planning at CalPoly and co-authors of the book: "Climate Action Planning: A Guide to Creating Low-Carbon, Resilient Communities". Sign up here to learn what it takes to create and implement an effective climate action plan for your community.

Eco.logic wants to display your artwork


Calling all artists – and art lovers! Eco.Logic is organizing an Eco.Art Event and Fundraiser. Artists are invited to submit ecological-themed artwork for a virtual art gallery and auction (Aug 21 - Sept 21), to culminate with an Eco.Art evening extravaganza Sept 22. More information and artist application here: https://www.ecologicprograms.org/ecoart-fundraiser

FFCA is fighting to decarbonize the biggest US pension funds

Fossil Free California

Our friends at Fossil Free California have been fighting for years to divest the California state pension funds (the largest pension funds in the US) from fossil fuels. They won a victory last month when SB1173, their Fossil Fuel Divestment Bill, passed out of the California State Senate. The bill will be heard in the CA Assembly this month. If you live in California, please call your Assemblymember and ask them to support this important bill – more info here.

OFRF research helps policy-makers understand the value of organic agriculture

Organic Farming Research Foundation

OFRF's Research & Education Program Manager Thelma Vélez, PhD, recently spoke before the full US House Agriculture Committee, summarizing her research findings demonstrating the potential for organic systems to mitigate climate change and build resilience. Vélez spoke to the need for more investment in organic research, education, and extension to support American farmers and ranchers in implementing the best practices for climate mitigation and adaptation. You can watch her presentation on the House Ag Democrats YouTube Channel.