Apr 6, 2022

Clean Energy Credit Union

We, individually and collectively, maintain an immense amount of power to address the rapidly increasing threat of climate change. Though it may feel "too big" or "out of our control", that is just not the case so long as we move swiftly and with resolve. Government takes it's lead from constituents, so it's up to all of us to start making changes through more intentional personal action and engaged voting.

Millions of people have already started adopting different types of clean energy products such as electric bicycles and electric vehicles and you can easily join in this movement. Most find it difficult to afford these types of products. Companies like Clean Energy Credit Union and Atmos Financial aim to solve this issue by providing various loans and incentives for people seeking to participate in the clean energy movement.

What is Clean Energy Credit Union?

Clean Energy Credit Union is a Colorado-based, non-profit financial institution (all Credit Union's are member-based non-profits) specializing in providing loans for clean energy products, mainly electric bicycles, green home improvements, and electric vehicles.

The process of acquiring such products and making these green investments can be confusing and difficult, especially for those that aren't in a position to buy the products with cash. A loan is a critical tool for those of us seeking to make a green investment.

Alternatives to Clean Energy Credit Union

There are several alternatives to CECU for those looking to take climate action. If you're not yet ready to get a loan, but do want to align your money with making climate-positive change, entities like Atmos provide unique ways to maximize the impact of your money. Atmos is an online only financial institution that offers high-yielding savings accounts and checking accounts plus debit cards that offer up to 5% cash back at values-aligned businesses. All of the money deposited into your Atmos accounts is used to support clean energy around the country.

Changing where we bank is one of the most accessible, and easiest ways to join the clean energy movement and make a measurable impact on climate change.

What are the Benefits of using the Clean Energy Credit Union?

Though the spectrum of services that CECU offers is limited, the ones they do provide some hefty benefits for people who want to get some home energy efficiency retrofits and other energy-saving projects.

Easier Access to Clean Energy

Clean Energy Credit Union offers loans that provide easier access to clean energy projects such as solar electric systems or geothermal systems and other green home improvements. Upgrading to net-zero energy homes can be a great way to reduce your monthly operating expenses too. Net-zero energy homes have the potential to generating big savings from lower energy and water costs.

CECU also offers loans for electric vehicles and electric assist bicycles.

Clean Energy Credit Union's Vision

Clean Energy Credit Union is a unique type of online only institution whose vision closely follows guidelines that provide access to clean, green energy.

Increase Ownership Democracy

This institution is a tax-exempt financial services cooperative. What this means is that CECU (like all credit unions) is owned by its members and serves members.

Promotion of Clean Energy and Environment Protection

In general, financial institutions aren't focused on clean energy loans. Most banks and credit unions out there provide banking products and don't give their customers the ability to support their own values. However, entities like Clean Energy Credit Union and Atmos are built on a different foundation - one that celebrates and encourages climate-positive impact, advocacy.

Final Words

Just a few years ago, it was even more difficult to change your lifestyle to be more green, but thanks to institutions such as CECU and Atmos enabling clean energy financing, the paths have been made that much easier.

Start your climate journey today - apply for an Atmos account in just 2 minutes.

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Clean Energy Credit Union

Clean Energy Credit Union is a Colorado-based, non-profit financial institution (all Credit Union's are member-based non-profits) specializing in providing loans for clean energy products, mainly electric bicycles, green home improvements, and electric vehicles.

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We, individually and collectively, maintain an immense amount of power to address the rapidly increasing threat of climate change. Though it may feel "too big" or "out of our control", that is just not the case so long as we move swiftly and with resolve. Government takes it's lead from constituents, so it's up to all of us to start making changes through more intentional personal action and engaged voting.

Millions of people have already started adopting different types of clean energy products such as electric bicycles and electric vehicles and you can easily join in this movement. Most find it difficult to afford these types of products. Companies like Clean Energy Credit Union and Atmos Financial aim to solve this issue by providing various loans and incentives for people seeking to participate in the clean energy movement.

What is Clean Energy Credit Union?

Clean Energy Credit Union is a Colorado-based, non-profit financial institution (all Credit Union's are member-based non-profits) specializing in providing loans for clean energy products, mainly electric bicycles, green home improvements, and electric vehicles.

The process of acquiring such products and making these green investments can be confusing and difficult, especially for those that aren't in a position to buy the products with cash. A loan is a critical tool for those of us seeking to make a green investment.

Alternatives to Clean Energy Credit Union

There are several alternatives to CECU for those looking to take climate action. If you're not yet ready to get a loan, but do want to align your money with making climate-positive change, entities like Atmos provide unique ways to maximize the impact of your money. Atmos is an online only financial institution that offers high-yielding savings accounts and checking accounts plus debit cards that offer up to 5% cash back at values-aligned businesses. All of the money deposited into your Atmos accounts is used to support clean energy around the country.

Changing where we bank is one of the most accessible, and easiest ways to join the clean energy movement and make a measurable impact on climate change.

What are the Benefits of using the Clean Energy Credit Union?

Though the spectrum of services that CECU offers is limited, the ones they do provide some hefty benefits for people who want to get some home energy efficiency retrofits and other energy-saving projects.

Easier Access to Clean Energy

Clean Energy Credit Union offers loans that provide easier access to clean energy projects such as solar electric systems or geothermal systems and other green home improvements. Upgrading to net-zero energy homes can be a great way to reduce your monthly operating expenses too. Net-zero energy homes have the potential to generating big savings from lower energy and water costs.

CECU also offers loans for electric vehicles and electric assist bicycles.

Clean Energy Credit Union's Vision

Clean Energy Credit Union is a unique type of online only institution whose vision closely follows guidelines that provide access to clean, green energy.

Increase Ownership Democracy

This institution is a tax-exempt financial services cooperative. What this means is that CECU (like all credit unions) is owned by its members and serves members.

Promotion of Clean Energy and Environment Protection

In general, financial institutions aren't focused on clean energy loans. Most banks and credit unions out there provide banking products and don't give their customers the ability to support their own values. However, entities like Clean Energy Credit Union and Atmos are built on a different foundation - one that celebrates and encourages climate-positive impact, advocacy.

Final Words

Just a few years ago, it was even more difficult to change your lifestyle to be more green, but thanks to institutions such as CECU and Atmos enabling clean energy financing, the paths have been made that much easier.